Friday, September 11, 2009

1 NEPHI 20-22

Chapters 20 and 21 can be compared to a lawsuit brought against Israel for breaking her covenant with the Lord. Chapter 20 can be compared to the contract. It contains a preamble, historical review, conditions of the contract, witnesses, curses and blessings. Verse 10 talks about affliction. The Lord knows our trials we go through and he knows we can grow from them. Think of a baby chick breaking out of it's shell -- it must go through that hardship. If the baby chick is helped out of the shell, it may die. McKenna shared how a moth in a cocoon has to break out of the cocoon by itself. She told us of a man who found a cocoon and watched as the moth tried to get out. He helped the moth get out by cutting the cocoon. He found that the moth had a swollen body and undeveloped wings. That moth needed to go through "trials" to get strong. So it is with us.
Chapter 22 leaves us full of hope. We learn that the wicked will turn on themselves and will fall by their own hands. "And because of the righteousness of his (the Lord's) people, Satan has no power". A great promise made to us is that the righteous need not fear. Again, we need to decide what side of the fence we want to be on.

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