Monday, January 11, 2010


Some of us are probably very familiar with this chapter. Here are a few questions to ask yourself as you reread it. Verse 5: Why do you think the queen had a different reaction than others to the idea that her husband was dead? Verse 6: What change was Lamoni going through and what was influencing him? Bruce R. McConkie said, "Those who heed the enticements and submit to the strivings of the Holy Spirit (which is the light of Christ) are enabled to receive the Holy Spirit (which is the Holy Ghost). We have no better illustration of the full operation of the light of Christ upon an investigator of the gospel than what happened to King Lamoni."
Verse 13: What effect did Lamoni's testimony and the power of the Spirit of God have on his wife? Verse 14: How did Ammon show he was a humble missionary? Verses 16 - 17: What do we know about Abish? What opportunity did she recognize and seize? Verses 22 - 23: Read footnote 23a and read the reference. What can we learn from these verses about the Lord's promises? Verse 36: What Is Mormon telling us the lesson is (or principle)?

DINNER CONVERSATION: Like Abish, Lamononi and Ammon we can share our testimony. How can your testimony strengthen others? How does it strengthen you? How do other testimonies strengthen you?

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